Artful Thinking Versus Magical Thinking

Over the years, I’ve observed that there are two main modes of thinking in the business world: artful thinking and magical thinking.
The two are opposites. I believe that artful thinking is key to business success. There are distinct differences between artful thinking and magical thinking that business leaders should keep in mind.
Nine Characteristics of Artful Thinking
Artful thinking is an approach that’s based on principles of artistry that facilitate innovation, adaptability and a deeper understanding of complexity.
1. Creativity
For artful thinkers, every challenge is an opportunity to problem-solve and think outside the box. They explore unconventional ways of thinking that can potentially set their businesses apart.
2. Empathy
Seeing and understanding perspectives other than their own is important to artful thinkers. They’re empathetic, and they strive to see where other people are coming from. Instead of selling themselves, they make an effort to understand what other people need and then act accordingly.
3. Curiosity
Curiosity drives artful innovation. The best ideas tend to start with wanting to learn more. Artful thinkers are able to ask good questions, expand their horizons and, ultimately, move the needle by thinking of things that others may not have.
4. Adaptability
Change is difficult, but artful thinkers respond to it with flexibility rather than resistance. As Bob Ross once said, “And as you know, we don’t make mistakes. We have happy accidents.”
5. Vision
Artful thinkers don’t move aimlessly. They see the path they want to go on and pursue it.
6. Patience
Any artist will tell you that real success and impact take time to accomplish. Artful thinkers recognize that as well. They let things happen organically in the time it takes for them to happen, and they don’t push or rush to speed things up.
7. Willingness to Take Risks
Without taking risks, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to achieve your goals. Artful thinkers recognize that and embrace taking smart risks to get where they want to be.
8. Collaboration
Organizations are only as good as the sum of their parts — and artful thinkers understand that. They know that they are stronger when they collaborate with others, and they don’t isolate themselves and try to tackle tasks on their own.
9. Resilience
Artful thinkers recognize that “no” is just a starting point. They don’t give up when they hear that two-letter word. They might be disappointed, but they pick themselves back up and try again, seeking new ways to accomplish their goals.
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Nine Characteristics of Magical Thinking
Magical thinking is based on wishing. There’s a lack of grounding in data and practical strategy, which leads to poor decision-making and, ultimately, a misappropriation of resources that often results in failure.
1. Overreliance on Luck
Magical thinkers believe that success comes down to luck. Because of that mindset, they don’t create their own luck and instead let external circumstances alone dictate their paths.
2. Avoiding Responsibility
When magical thinkers fail, they don’t self-reflect and ask what they could have done better. Instead, they blame their setbacks on others. As a result, they’re not able to grow.
3. Arrogance and Overconfidence
Magical thinkers are arrogant and have an inflated sense of confidence about their ideas, products, decisions, etc. That arrogance and overconfidence lead to hubris, which clouds their ability to see things clearly.
4. Inflexibility
For magical thinkers, it’s their way or the highway. They’re unwilling to adjust their approaches or points of view, and they think doing things exactly as they envision will get them success.
5. Focusing on Short-Term Wins
Thinking ahead doesn’t happen with magical thinkers. They only look at what’s directly ahead of them rather than the big picture, which can cause them to make mistakes that can spell the end of their companies.
6. Lack of Strategy
Magical thinkers don’t operate with a strategy in mind. They think that they don’t need a strategy because everything will always work out, that there will be a positive outcome no matter what.
7. Ignoring the Facts
Facts are inconveniences for magical thinkers. They might ignore financial, market and other realities and charge ahead with their ideas, putting themselves and their teams in a bad position.
8. Solo Mindset
Collaboration doesn’t happen with magical thinkers. They have a solo mindset accompanied by a big ego and think they can get things done best by themselves. Due to their solo mindset, they miss out on ideas and perspectives that could strengthen their companies.
9. No Resilience
Setbacks are the end, as opposed to just temporary obstacles, for magical thinkers. They give up easily and move on to the next thing when something doesn’t pan out, never giving themselves the chance to succeed.
Practicing Artful Thinking Is a Process
We’re all prone to falling into magical thinking sometimes, myself included. Practicing artful thinking is a process — but a worthwhile one. As business leaders, if we strive to think artfully every day, we can improve ourselves, our teams, our organizations and our communities.