Social media
RedNote Is the U.S.-China Peace Talks We Need
An American influx to the social media app has shown people in both countries what every day life is like. As one person in China put it, “We were united together as more similar than different"
- Side Effects
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Americans Are Turning to TikTok to Pay Their Medical Bills
Healthcare costs have gone up, leaving creators to find new ways to address mounting debt
- Side Hustle
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How Are People Screwing Up Chef Tini Younger's Very Easy Mac and Cheese Recipe?
We all make mistakes in the kitchen sometimes — but seriously, noodles should not be this difficult
- Cooked
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Social Media's Stance On Weed: Where Cannabis Stands On Every Platform
Let's look at which apps are 420-friendly, which are censorship hot spots and how cannabis entrepreneurs can navigate the current social media minefield.
- Culture Council
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Why Can’t We Escape The Celebrity Lookalike Contest?
From election fatigue to an aching desire for the disappearing "third place," people are clawing nostalgia from the lookalike trend — one sexy celeb at a time
- Mirror Mirror
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Gen Z Is Killing the Millennial Hit Piece
It wasn't long ago that my generation took the blame for every shifting social norm. Now zoomers are having their turn
- Coming of Age
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AI Images May Be Changing the Way We Look at Food
Fake restaurants, bogus recipes, and uncanny dishes have totally infected the culinary side of the internet
- Bon Appétit
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Meet the Creators Suing America to Save TikTok
The influencers have very different stories to tell about how the app is irreplaceable as an economic driver and tool for expression
- Battling the Ban
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Facebook's AI-Generated Spam Problem Is Worse Than You Realize
The platform has been overrun with bizarro images of babies, soldiers, and muscle-bound Jesus
- Creators Special 2024
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FTC Will Prohibit Fake Reviews, Bot Followers to 'Fight Deceptive Advertising'
“Fake reviews not only waste people’s time and money but also pollute the marketplace and divert business away from honest competitors,” said FTC Chair Lina Khan
- Be Real
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